Revista experimental dedicada à arte xerográfica, a idéia era explorar as possibilidades da máquina fotocopiadora. O nome da revista se refere ao fato de que a máquina de xerox funciona baseada nos princípios da eletricidade estática. Mais sobre máquinas de xerox aqui.. Segue as palavras do editor da revista:

PhotoStatic was a magazine, a periodical series of printed works that focused on xerography as the source of a particular visual language that was widely used by graphic artists in the various art and music underground scenes of the 80s and 90s. During this time, the publication served as a forum to collect and redistribute artworks that originated in these scenes. Eventually, its scope extended to embrace not only graphic works, but also concrete poetry, correspondence art, ephemera from works in other media, essays, fiction, reviews, and reports on various cultural scenes, including Neoism, the home taping community, the zine community, and mail art.

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